Why stop smoking?

There are several very good reasons for giving up smoking.

Smoking increases your risk of developing several types of cancer, lung disease, heart disease and stroke. It raises your blood pressure and damages the blood vessels throughout your body so makes your kidney problem worse.

Your health

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable deaths in England. Most people know that smoking causes lung disease and cancer. It also damages your blood vessels and raises your blood pressure. This increases your risk of stroke and heart disease and can worsen your kidney disease.

It is never too late to quit. As soon as you stop, your body starts to repair the damage caused by cigarettes. After just four months your circulation and breathing improves. After one year smoke free, your risk of heart disease halves.


Halved risk of heart disease

After one year smoke free, your risk of heart disease halves

Smokey teddy


Your family

Breathing in other people’s smoke or “second hand smoking” increases your risk of heart and lung disease, so you could be putting your partner and children at risk.


Stopping smoking is an easy way to save money.

For example: 10 cigarettes per day
= 300 cigarettes per month
= £115 per month

Quitting could save you £1368 per year.

Smoking cost calculator

Smoking cost calculator


You could save

£ per week

£ per month

£ per year

Get help to quit

8 health benefits of stopping smoking

  • LungsStopping smoking lets you breathe more easily.
  • EnergyStopping smoking gives you more energy.
  • Stress freeDitch the cigarettes and feel less stressed.
  • FertilityStopping smoking improves fertility.
  • PieStopping smoking improves smell and taste.
  • Great skinStop smoking for younger-looking skin.
  • Whiter teethEx-smokers have whiter teeth and sweeter breath.
  • Smoke-free homeA smoke-free home protects your loved ones.

Smoking alternatives


Chewing tobacco or betel nut are not healthier alternatives to smoking. Both increase your risk of cancer and harm your teeth and gums. They also increase your risk of heart and kidney disease.


Where can I find help?

Giving up smoking can be very difficult. Most people need a bit of help. If you are planning on quitting, talk to your doctor and they will be able to refer you to a free NHS Stop Smoking Service.

You can also call the NHS Smokefree helpline on 0300 123 1044.

Opening times:
Monday to Friday - 9am to 8pm
Saturday and Sunday - 11am to 4pm

Smoking - 4 x more likely to quit

You are four times more likely to quit successfully with an NHS Stop Smoking service

NHS choices - quitting smoking

This section of the website gives helpful advice and information on quitting smoking and its benefits.


Smoke free

Get help quitting smoking and find out where your local NHS Stop Smoking service is.


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